Luscious Valentine

Luscious Valentine


Luscious Valentine Luscious Valentine Luscious Valentine Luscious Valentine Luscious Valentine Luscious Valentine Luscious Valentine Luscious Valentine Luscious Valentine Luscious Valentine

College Road Florists


We no longer take online orders.

Please phone the shop on +353 91 563729 to order this item.

This luxurious Valentines bouquet blooms with love from every petal. Arranged with tasteful perfection, the personally arranged roses, lilies and baby's breath culminate into a visual feast for the eyes and a testament of affection for the heart. 

The highest quality of this hand-tied bouquet that radiates feelings of love and affection is assured - our flower arrangers make every commitment to delivering nothing but the finest. 

Experience your Valentine's joy first hand as you present them with a gift from the heart. 

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