Sweetness Bouquet

Sweetness Bouquet


Sweetness Bouquet Sweetness Bouquet Sweetness Bouquet Sweetness Bouquet Sweetness Bouquet Sweetness Bouquet Sweetness Bouquet Sweetness Bouquet Sweetness Bouquet

College Road Florists


We no longer take online orders.

Please phone the shop on +353 91 563729 to order this item.

Nothing says sweetness more than this effervescent and vivacious bouquet of hand picked white, pink and red roses. 

Treat your Valentine to a bright surprise of the universal colours of love and affection this arrangement expresses. 

Only the most choice, fresh and tasteful flowers will be selected and brought together for you, to combine into an expression of pure sweetness on this special day. 

Watch your Valentine feel the warmth of everything this bouquet expresses: Caring, tenderness and joy. 

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